A beautiful talk on how exploring other religions can enhance the faith you practice.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Father Bede Griffiths
A beautiful talk on how exploring other religions can enhance the faith you practice.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
5 Simple Ways to Respond to Negative People
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Where Would You Go & Why?
Imagine, just imagine.
- Where would you go?
- Why does this place tug at your heart?
- Does it seem to hold a special meaning for you?
- And what do you hope to find there?
Copyright 2012- Julie Hoyle
Monday, December 3, 2012
3 Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams
- I acknowledge and trust my intuitive wisdom.
- I love and honor who I am.
- I respect and stand behind what I have to offer the world.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
to enter the lotus of the Heart.
Join Facebook for a daily dose of inspiration.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Transforming Self-Denial and Self-Sabotage
In my early twenties and straight out of college, I agreed to take a temporary position teaching high-energy eight year olds who so the story goes, had worn down their former teacher so effectively, she had suffered a nervous breakdown.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

In a lucid dream I was astonished to find myself in the home of Papaji an Enlightened Master from the Advaita tradition. Although I had never studied with him while he was alive, or even read any of his books, Papaji immediately made me feel at home and invited me to take a seat as he moved around the kitchen preparing a meal. Also to my great delight, seated close by immersed in profound stillness was Anandamayi Ma, a beautiful female Saint who is revered in India.
Observing Papaji's movements, I was acutely aware that every gesture was a teaching. With incredible focus, he took great care in washing the rice, chopping the vegetables and frying the spices. There was not one second that was thrown away with lack of Presence. When Papaji was finished, he laid a place at the table and handed me a plate of steamed rice, curried vegetables and dahl. Then he looked at me intently and said,
"What you teach about lucid dreaming is true.
Being conscious is everything.
When you realize there is no 'better' moment than this moment right now, you are not willing to throw it away.
There is never going to be a better moment than NOW."
That said, Papaji left the house and walked away and when I turned around to look for Ananadamayi Ma, I realized she had disappeared.
Find out more in the BE YOUR OWN GURU COURSE
Thursday, March 8, 2012

There was once a man who loved to complain and find fault with everyone and everything. Nothing pleased him, so he moved from one town to another, declaring as he left each place:
“I am going to another town, where the people are friendlier.”
A wise man perceived what the problem was, and as the angry man began striding along the dusty road to yet another destination, the wise man compassionately called out:
“Oh brother, moving from place to place does not serve you well. Wherever you go, there you will also find yourself. Your shadow is always with you.”
It took me a long time to understand that in part, this was my story too. In early 2001, after taking leave of my job and arriving at an ashram in India, I anticipated the months there would be filled with experiences of light, peace, and expansion.
However within days, I was assigned to work with a young woman who could be charming one minute and explosive the next. I was shocked and began pondering:
“How could such an angry person be in this sacred place?”