However, on the eve of the trip, we turned on the television and with shock and disbelief, listened to a newscaster announcing that our bank had dramatically collapsed. It was surreal. Alongside the sickening awareness that our life savings were suddenly swallowed up, was the searing insight that I was looking into the face of my worst possible fear. As a child, I had inherited two things from my father, one a strong work ethic and two, the belief that,
"Money does not grow on trees and is hard to come by."
In the past, this kind of situation would have thrown me into complete turmoil and prompted an inner tsunami. However, after years of meditation practices and having learned to view everything as an aspect of my own consciousness, I knew what needed to be done.
First, I accepted the situation as a gift, immediately creating an intention to turn it into a positive, abundant experience.
Second, I wrote a statement in my journal declaring:
"Fine! If we have lost everything, then let this be a beautiful starting point. How do I wish to spend the remainder of my life? What is it that I have always wanted to do and never had the courage to initiate?"
Third, I began to work on the situation energetically.
When I sat quietly and asked:
"How does this financial situation manifest in terms of an image and a metaphor for my life?"
I saw a huge, dark pit, descending deep into the ground. It was potentially terrifying and I knew it had the power to suck me in, draining all my energy and resources. The title I gave it was:
"Bottomless Pit."
Now that I could 'see' it, I declared that I was choosing to respond positively and began directing light to the image, working on reducing the size of the opening. For days and weeks after, every time fear began surfacing in response to lack, I would visualize the hole becoming smaller and smaller until it was completely gone. In its place, rising up and out into the universe, was a strong web of light, like a vast tree, spreading golden limbs into infinity reflecting the truth that the universe gifts us with limitless resources if we believe we are the source of abundance, rather than believing in lack.
The gift of losing everything was amazing. I was finally forced to face my subconscious fears around lack and I had to access the courage to take ownership of what I most wanted to create in my life, centered around sharing my spiritual gifts, skills and talents. Since then, I have come to realize that when we have the courage to BE who we are, rather than hiding in fear, we become the embodiment of abundance and the universe can not help but respond in kind.
Excerpt of Lesson Two: 'From Turmoil to Transformation'-
in conjunction with Daily OM at: