My Story

2008 was a pivotal year. It was the year my husband and I lost our life savings when our bank went belly up. 

At the time we were in our early fifties. We were knocked sideways with the daunting realization that we did not have much time to make up what was lost. It was a terrifying realization to say the least. 

The way I saw it, I basically had two options:

1. I could fall into a black and unending hole of despair and depression, or

2. I could start living the way I had always dreamed. 

I chose option two. It was far from easy. I soon understood that this option required looking my fears full in the face. 

Nonetheless, since 2008 I have been able to re-frame and re-orient my life. Below is a list of some of the things I have been able to accomplish. 

I have:
  • Written two e-books.
  • Constructed a website.
  • Cold-called editors and had articles published in fifteen Mind-Body-Spirit magazines worldwide.
  • Designed two online courses for Daily Om (which has over a million subscribers)
  • Created an in-depth one-year course titled, Living in Alignment, for people who want to initiate lasting change.
  • Conducted inspiring workshops in Nassau in response to client requests. 
  • Offered online counselling sessions for people worldwide.
  • Said "Yes" to the invitation to have one of my articles published in a book by Lori Deschene, the owner of the Tiny Buddha website.

There is more but I will leave it there. While the list may look like I am crowing, I am not. 

I am sharing this with you as a way of encouraging you to go after what you most want in your life. The key is trust. And the question is 

"Do you trust yourself enough to listen to your heart?"

 You already know deep-in what you are capable of. So another question you might ponder is, 

"Do you have the guts to go for it and actually do it?"

If the answer is, "Yes", there is no fast and easy way. I accomplished my goals step-by-step. Along the way I had many successes. I also made endless mistakes.

More often than not I had no clue what I was doing (especially when it came to web design) However, I trusted the 'not knowing.' 

Intuitively I knew that if I let go of trying to figure things out in my head and just followed what felt right everything would work out. And it did.

My journey of creating and navigating my way toward my dreams has been filled with moments of frustration and moments of immense joy. However the outcomes have been well worth the effort.

These outcomes are the fruit of courage. When we have the courage to own and I mean really own our gifts, skills and talents the universe has a way of applauding and cheering us on. 

Join me and I promise I will applaud and cheer you on too. When you succeed I succeed. When you are thriving I am thriving.

And as a bright and beautiful bonus, the world is made a little brighter and a little more cheery. I would call that a fabulous gift wouldn't you?

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